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Move over, generic stock photos! You deserve better!

Ready for a new and improved brand image that helps you connect to your ideal audience and serve them like no one else can?

You are in the right place for 


Purposeful Brand Photo & Video

scroll-stopping, trust-building brand imagery





Past Clients of Spark & Soul include:

love being in your biz, but not behind the camera? i can help.

get to know me

I’m Leslee Layton, I’m a mom, a wife, and a business owner x2. I’ve learned a lot of things the hard way, so I’m here to help you avoid the same mistakes and grow your business more easily with awesome brand imagery! I am an avid fan of Dad jokes, a book worm from way back, and the one you can count on to join you for a champagne toast. Life is sticky. Friends who have BTDT are necessary. I hope I can be that kind of friend for you.

I'm here to help you tell a story through brand photo & video.


Tiffany, Baker

I was nervous about taking that leap to get professional photos taken but now that I have them, I am so excited!

"Leslee made me feel completely comfortable."

Haley, Web Designer

Leslee is an absolute pleasure to work with! The investment is so worth it. 

"I already feel more confident in my business!"

Become the well-known, trusted face of your brand and connect with your audience better than ever. I’ll teach you how to plan your shoot strategically and how to use your new images effectively. Join our girl gang of business owners, cheering each other on as we learn together.

Strategy & Community, not just photos.

the spark and soul difference

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Let's Create
High Impact Photos & Videos

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